Grace Miller

Ms. Grace Miller is our Dance Director, and on the leadership team of Open Sky Collective, a Fine Arts Outreach organization. We are thrilled to have Ms. Miller back for her third year with RockPrep!

Ms. Grace Miller
Grace Miller
Ballet, Contemporary @ GFCS, LCCS

Raised in the gentle hills of Tennessee, Grace found a love for many things:
  • Jesus - her forever steadiness,
  • Friends - her heart connection,
  • Dance - her expression and release.
Of the many stories that could be told, this is one of dance.

Grace trained in ballet, pointe, modern, and jazz at the The Centre School of Dance in Cookeville, Tennessee. After consistent, steadfast training Grace moved to Jackson, MS where she would later receive her BFA in dance from Belhaven University.

During her time in college, Grace was honored to be a part of various casts who performed around South Korea as well as multiple performances in the American Collegiate Dance Association including Nationals at the Kennedy Center. She was taught by an incredible faculty of professors who poured into not only her gift, but her heart.

Grace graduated in 2017 and moved back to Cookeville. For two years she increased experience in teaching in ballet, modern, dance composition, improvisation, and choreography.

2019 became the year marking Grace’s life as a Texan. She joined Open Sky Arts Collective, a nonprofit arts organization that uses dance to bring the Gospel to the hurting and broken. After years of growth in mind, body, spirit and soul, Grace is humbled to say she has run with the Lord close by her the whole time. She is now the Executive Assistant/Administrator at Open Sky, working and learning all inner workings of the company.

Grace is looking forward to working with Rock Prep this year, getting to know new kids, families and seeing the Lord move all around her!

Ms. Miller holds a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Dance (2017) from Belhaven University.

Check out Ms. Miller's work with Open Sky Arts Collective here : Open Sky Arts