Your Name
1. Your Name is to me Shelter.
Your Name is to me Defender.
Your Name is to me Forgiver.
Blessed be Your Holy Name.
2. Your Name is to me Shepherd.
Your Name is to me Provider.
Your Name is to me Redeemer.
Blessed be Your Holy Name.
Chorus 1
You are my Strength
In all my weakness,
My Peace in pain.
You are my Mighty Fortress,
My Rock of Salvation.
Blessed be Your Holy Name.
3. Your Name is to me Freedom.
Your Name is to me Sov'reign.
Your Name is to me Almighty.
Blessed be Your Holy Name.
Chorus 2
You are my Light in all my darkness,
My Hope in fear.
You are my Faithful Father,
My Power and Glory.
Blessed be Your Holy Name.
Chorus 3
You are my Song in all my silence,
My Life in death.
You are my Awesome Jesus,
My Lord and Savior.
Blessed be Your Holy Name.
4. Your Name is to me Healing.
Your Name is to me Wholeness.
Your Name is to me Acceptance.
Blessed be Your Holy Name.
I Can Do All This (Php. 4:12-13)
Jessica { C# E E E B C# A }
I know what it is to be in need,
and I know what it is to have plenty.
I know how it feels to be brought down
and I how it feels to live abounding
I have learned the secret of being content
In any situation, in every circumstance
Whether well fed or hungry, in abundance or need
Whether in want or plenty, facing fortune or humility
I can do all things, I can do all this
Through Him who gives me strength.
I can do all things through Christ.
I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength.

Just a Moment
1. I just want You to walk beside me
To the end of this lane
I just want You to reassure me
At the end, I'll see Your Face
2. I just need You to walk beside me
To the end of this pain
I just need You to come embrace me
And to help me feel Your Grace
If I could have just a moment to be
Just a moment to be With the One that I love
I would choose just a moment with You
Just a moment with You Over all of this world
Just one moment of infinite thanks
Just one moment of infinite gratitude
Jesus Christ, my Risen Lord
Je - sus, my Rest and my Reward
3. It is You, Lord, It was always You
From forever You have been
You first loved me, And You always will
To the end of my days

Tell Me the Story
1. Who You are Is Infinite, Is Ultimate
For You are all to me
Who You are--Immanuel, Who came to me
Then dying, set me free
Tell me the story about You and me
Tell me the story of when You first loved me
Tell me the story of how You chose me
Jesus, Jesus
2. What You did, so beautiful, Unthinkable
Becoming all my sin
What You did, so wonderful, Unstoppable,
from death, You rose again!
The Story of Your Love--
Trading my history, for Your Majesty
The Story of Your Love--
Saving a place for me, in Your Family
He Redeems Everything
(Gal. 4:1-7; Titus 2:11-15; 1 Pet 1-5; Prov 3)
1. To the one who is weary
He redeems everything, He redeems everything
To the one who is wounded
He redeems everything, He redeems everything
If you can't see His reasons, If you're tossed by His seasons
If you're bound in your weakness, If you're found to be helpless
If you're tired of waiting, And heart feels like breaking
He redeems everything, He redeems everything
2.To the one who is empty
He redeems everything, He redeems everything
To the one who is burdened
He redeems everything, He redeems everything
If you're not getting answers, And you don't see His Power
If you've run out of patience, And you're filled with frustration
If you don't know His timing, And you just feel like whining
He redeems everything, He redeems everything
To the One who came and rescued me,
O Lover of My Soul
Christ Jesus, You have purchased me
And washed me in Your Blood
I love You, Lord. You won my heart, O God
I trust You, Jesus. Redeemer of my soul
3.Come and trust in His Wisdom
He redeems everything, He redeems everything
Come and rest in His Goodness
He redeems everything, He redeems everything
See The Son now is Rising, All the darkness is hiding
All the shackles are breaking, All the prisons are quaking
All the angels are singing, All the heavens are ringing:
He redeems everything! He redeems everything!
4. Come and bring all your issues
He redeems everything, He redeems everything
Come and let Him amaze you
He redeems everything, He redeems everything